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Top Tips for Young Entrepreneurs

Not only did my company sales go from 3 million to 4.2, to 6.3 and to just shy of 10 million in sales, I could maintain my stay-at-home Mum image and work from the beach! That’s right while lifeguarding the kids I could turn on the diesel generator, connect to Satellite Internet, retrieve email, and look after clients in Chicago and Toronto.  More...

Fostering Entrepreneurial Talent in our Young People

At the age of 6 this boy had developed a profitable business model that he turned into a reality. He showed tremendous sales and leadership skills when he skillfully and naturally recruited “workers” from all grades at recess to join his Paper Boats Club.  More...

A New Paradigm for 2015

It is a magical time of transformation, of healing, of cooperation vs competition, and the revolution of the higher reaches of the human mind. Welcome 2015, the Age of Aquarius, and inventions based on air!  More...

Quantum Humanitarianism and The Flower of Life

I am fascinated by the energetic components in these designs. Similar to crystal grids, created for energetic healings there is something so profound and magical about this ancient geometry. For some people science and art would appear to be strange bedfellows but I feel excitement, and see real innovation on a scale one could call quantum humanitarianism.  More...

The Amaryllis: 8 Lessons in balance for business success

I learnt about balance by observing the growth of the magnificent flowering Amaryllis plant. As women entrepreneurs it is very important to schedule our moments of serenity and self-reflection in order to balance out how much of ourselves we give away. These small moments which we take for ourselves leads to greater happiness, better relationships, and to business success.  More...