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EnjoyMyMedia: Media Sharing Made Easier for Web Dummies

Monday Apr 28, 2008

Multi-media file sharing over the web has just become way simpler. Like a Dummies Guide for Media Sharing, EnjoyMyMedia turns your Windows folders into vehicles for private file-sharing across the Internet. It’s been likened to having your own broadcast media channel.

Many of the existing, similar sites such as SplashCast, Vizrea, Veodia, Bubbleshare, MixerCast, Flektor, Stickam, Ustream,,,, and suffer from a so-called high geek quotient.They’re not exactly user-friendly to the average, computer-illiterate Web user, therby limiting their adoption. (Knowing the basics of creating, formatting, and uploading media files is a prerequisite, plus you have some miniscule undertanding of HTML and blogging tools.)
Then here comes along the brain dead easy solution of EnjoyMyMedia a small, self-funded startup based in Concord, MA which offers a media-sharing system that mainstream netizens can use to broadcast their photos, videos, audio files, and other files to friends and family members without learning a line of code.

Keith Loris, EnjoyMyMedia’s president and CEO, and Bill Oncay, the company’s chief technology officer, set out to build EnjoyMyMedia two years ago. The two business partners designed a PC program would monitor a hard drive for new content, then send the content automatically to another PC with RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds at the heart of groundbreaking system.
Loris and Oncay took devised a way to create an RSS feed for an individual Windows folder on a user’s computer. Here’s how it works, in the words of Wade Roush of

To begin netcasting on EnjoyMyMedia, a user simply has to designate a folder on their hard drive as the channel for the data to be transmitted, then send invitations through the EnjoyMyMedia website to friends or family members. Subscribers can add channels to the free RSS receiver pages provided by iGoogle, Firefox, Internet Explorer, My Yahoo, Facebook, and the like. Every time the netcaster adds a file to the designated folder, a thumbnail representation of it shows up immediately in every subscriber’s RSS feed. But only when a subscriber clicks on a thumbnail is the file actually transmitted.

By making media-sharing so simple, Loris, Oncay, and partner Warner Jones (the company’s vice president of website products) hope to attract a user base of average families the kind of people who exchange birthday-party photo prints as a matter of course, but wouldn’t be likely to sit down and spend several hours uploading digital photos to a site like Flickr, Roush adds in his post.

EnjoyMyMedia’s basic service is free, and includes a 200-megabyte online locker where frequently viewed files can be stored so that others can download them on demand, i.e., even if the netcaster’s PC is off. The company plans to earn revenue by offering larger on-demand lockers$4.99 a month for 10 gigabytes and $9.99 for 40 gigabytes. Paying users will have advertising-free channels, while people on the receiving end of media posted by free netcasters may see targeted ads.’

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