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Fun Chat with Google Video App

Sunday Nov 16, 2008

Ok, so you had better not get caught working from home in pjs because now there’s video chat brought to you by no other than Google. Gmail allows you to switch from email to chat, to chat to video. Imagine all in one application. It works on MAC and PC and all you need is a simple web cam.

This cool application could be the next videoconferencing facility. Failing this it would certainly be cool to connect in this way to our communities for a multi-chat experience. By the way, if you don’t like what the other person is saying you do have the option to put on “small screen”.

I guess its time to keep a hairbrush next to the computer since you never know who might be wanting to chat. I wonder if Google will come up with the option for avatars for those of us of a delicate age who sometimes have bad hair days?

Perhaps there is a marketing opportunity for sponsored pjs? That’s got to be a better advertising investment than the “head rests” rumored to exist in some men’s rooms. Though maybe we should put this question out to jury.

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