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Kelsey Group DMS09: Yellow Pages and Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

Wednesday Sep 23, 2009

When you want to teach a dog a new trick you need lots of wieners in your pocket. Then, you need to be persistent about following through each and every time with your training routine. When the dog finally shakes a paw and rolls over you must jump up and down in enthusiasm and glee. You are the master after all and a hero as the dog is doing exactly as you wished.

But, an old dog knows your tricks and has had lots of those wieners from your pocket – even the ones that sat in there for a year. This dog is not so easy to motivate, enthuse or excite.

At the Kelsey Group’s 30th Yellow Pages Conference in Orlando industry masters of the Yellow Pages Industry gathered to lick their wounds. Its been a very tough year for a group used to 87% renewals and 65% profit margins. Suddenly the growth of high speed broad-band, Google search, social media and other forms of interactive activities has changed how consumers search and buy. In increasing numbers references to the Yellow Pages have drastically reduced. This has caused the whole group to come back to zero, take inventory, regroup and rethink.

There are some startling statistics. According to one of the studies only 14% of businesses are happy with their Yellow Pages sales reps. My gosh several presenters say this industry biggest asset is its “Feet on the Street”! (Does anyone want to sell some shoes?) And, “Feet on the Street” they go on to say need regular training and regular re-training. Success after all is “All in the Reps Bag”. Apparently understanding what is in the bag is the key to success in multi-product selling.

Now the old dog has learned a lot of tricks in his lifetime. He senses you approaching before he sees you. He knows what you want from him even before you do. And as he watches you from the corner of his eye fumbling to cut up the wieners, he slips off to sleep.

How do you get an old dog to jump in enthusiasm for your wiener? Well, if the Yellow Pages masters can stop acting like crows (chasing the next bit of metal that catches their eye) and take the time to answer this fundamental question then they will have solved the greatest of this industry’s challenges.

It can be done. Many independents are doing it. I agree with Nick Veronis of Veronis Suhler Stevenson, marketshare for small independents will increase.

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