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In Memory of my friend Sebastien

Sunday May 2, 2010

Sebastien Samson

Sebastien was from Quebec City. We bonded with him in an instant. He was part of our eclectic after work group who regularly gather to share the news of the working day (which is either good, bad, or ugly). At 36 years, he was the Operations Manager of the GFS plant responsible for over a hundred employees. Self-taught Seb was brilliant, particularly in the area of human resources. I remember how he encouraged me to cut loose my Ontario sales VP who, after three months was not producing. The next day I was back. “Well, how did it go?” he asked. “Well, she was in a cast when I got there. She had broken her leg in three places”. (My human resource issues were never easy and Seb understood). One time he asked the bartender to bring me a candle, which he lit. “Liz, make a wish”.

Seb loved to laugh at the bad jokes the other guys told. They in turn loved to retell the same joke just to hear him laugh again – which he always did.

We will miss you Seb. You still had so much to share. I am sorry the black cloud got you. If we had only known maybe we could have helped ward it off a while.


  1. Dale Moldenhauer says:

    Hello Elizabeth;
    My name is Dale Moldenhauer. I worked with Seb at GFS Winnipeg. I was the GM of the Winnipeg Division and Seb was on my executive management team.
    Seb was highly regarded by everyone who knew him, worked with or for him. He was an awesome Leader! An incredible man! So brilliant!
    He loved the Calgary Flames and I’m a long time Flyers fan. We talked and talked about hockey and Quebec City getting a NHL team again!
    I miss him deeply and I think of him often. He left us much too early.
    I should of done more.

  2. Elizabeth Gage says:

    Thank you for reaching out Dale.

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