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Visioning with Nature

Monday Mar 7, 2011

Visioning with nature

Discovering that a block in one’s life can be removed by spending time with plants has been an absolute revolution in my life. You could say I have learned that communing with nature opens new doors to creativity. You could call it “Grounding”. Nature has a realm of energy that lifts you to a peaceful place for thought and reflection. Broad leaf plants in particular bring more oxygen and sitting with them each day, close to the ground has given me a feeling of renewed vibrancy. I believe we all do too much. The multitasking ‘superwoman’  and ‘superman’ fail at some point from sheer exhaustion.

When you discover no life left in yourself take time to allow life to come to you, then act on intuitive feeling. It is interesting to discover that imagination is only a substitute for the truer consciousness and faulty of intuition. Intuition is nature guiding us to where we need to go.

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