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The message from the beautiful orange ladybug

Tuesday May 22, 2012

They say when a ladybug comes to you that it is a sign of good luck, of protection, and that the number of spots indicate the number of months till true love comes. But this ladybug in all its wisdom and simple elegance whispered a private message to me. She told me that to get an enormous project off the ground you need only take small steps because the small steps accumulate. She also told me that to get to where you want to go that you can travel on the backs of others, at any point disembarking to stay in the sun, because “you call the shots” she said. What an interesting message? Nature is so full of wisdom. Well this beautiful orange ladybug is a gentle reminder that beauty is everywhere and to create it you don’t need much, all you need to do is look at things differently.

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