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The CN Tower Edge Walk and the moment of truth

Sunday Jun 17, 2012

On Thursday I was an invited speaker at the EO (Entrepreneurs Organization)Toronto hosted event “Lessons from the Edge”. Prior to my speech a group of us scaled The Edge of the CN Tower Cat Walk. The event is called The Edge Walk.  It was a fantastic experience to look down on the expanse of Lake Ontario and the vibrant city of Toronto from 356 meters above.

As Lady Gaga said “The Edge is the Moment of Truth” and indeed it is. It is also where darkness becomes light, where we step from one paradigm to the next and where we step from blindness to discover who we really are. For me the whole “Lessons from the Edge” event was cathartic. It was the perfect venue from which to officially launch into my new life. And while I don’t have all the answers yet, the one thing I have discovered is that when you are on The Edge the most important thing you need is faith and to believe in yourself. I have also discovered that as human beings we are blessed with a remarkable gift, an ability to solve any issue we face in life by going within.

Faith, belief in self, and perseverance is the heart of entrepreneurism. Of course being a crazy risk taker isn’t for the faint of heart.  At one point our guide had us walking on The Edge on tippy-toes. Whoa!

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