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Cloud Computing: The debate between security and operational efficiency

Wednesday Mar 13, 2013

According to Markets and Markets research the Cloud-based business analytics market is estimated to grow from 5.25 billion in 2013 to 16.5 billion by 2018. It appears Big Data and the move by companies to cloud computing is fuelling this growth. As a result Vendors in Business Intelligence Analytics are scrambling to find new ways to deliver their services over the cloud platform so that their enterprise customers can collect, access, monitor and share key business performance indicators in a way that is accessible through any platform or mobile device.

Major players delivering cloud computing solutions include: IBM, Oracle, Google, HP, Cloud 9 Analytics, Good Data Microsoft and Host Analytics.

There is no question that operational efficiencies can be derived through the integration of analytics into the operational fabric of a business but there are security issues that need to be addressed, and at the onset.

In a security survey conducted by Flying Penguin Consultancy and One Login the major areas of security concern are in the use of unsanctioned apps (71%) and the management of passwords. 43% of respondents in the survey shared passwords via sticky notes and spreadsheets and 20% experienced logins from departed employees. Password security is serious considering the changes in how we access applications. It is reported that 80% access applications through smart phones, 71% through tablets, and 80% through non-company computers.

Two-thirds of organizations identified security as their top concern when considering the move to the cloud according to “Driving Profitable Growth through Cloud computing” IBM Study (conducted by Oliver Wyman, November 2008) and it is no wonder because apart from identity management, and the plethora of devices accessing the web, there are concerns with software vulnerabilities and audit and assurance issues.

At the end of the day the move of an organization to embrace cloud computing as a strategic initiative is not just a technical challenge but a challenge of governance and compliance. I would not be at all surprised if enterprise companies chose to revert to supplying all-inclusive devices for company operations. Remember the old days when we had “our personal laptop” and “the company laptop”? This is an option to consider as the internet still is, and always will be, the Wild, Wild West.

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