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Cloud Computing: The debate between security and operational efficiency

According to Markets and Markets research the Cloud-based Business Analytics market is estimated to grow from 5.25 billion in 2013 to 16.5 billion by 2018. It appears Big Data and the move by companies to Cloud Computing is fuelling this growth. But while there is no question that operational efficiences can be derived, there are serious security issues that need to be addressed.  More...

The Humming bird’s message

It had wings the colour of a rainbow and a tiny body with delicately proportioned features. I had never been so close to something so exquisite as this and the message it brought to me, as loud as nature could make it was: "Where is your joy?"  More...

The Sailor and the Entrepreneur: Who sees the Wind?

It occurred to me that to the successful Olympic sailor who has sailed and competed in high winds and to the accomplished entrepreneur who has battled a competitive marketplace and won, starting again in either career can be difficult as the vision that once provided competitive advantage no longer serves as an advantage in a re-start. The problem is in the definition of "wind".  More...

The CN Tower Edge Walk and the moment of truth

For me the whole “Lessons from the Edge” event was cathartic. It was the perfect venue from which to officially launch into my new life. And while I don’t have all the answers yet, the one thing I have discovered is that when you are on The Edge the most important thing you need is faith and to believe in yourself. I have also discovered that as human beings we are blessed with a remarkable gift, an ability to solve any issue we face in life, by going within.  More...

EO Forum Retreat 2012

A highlight of the retreat was a mountain bike trek through the Muskoka woods in pouring rain which tested our stamina and entrepreneurial perserverence. A hot shower never felt so good afterwords. A great moment in time is caught in this photo. From left to right: Brad, Bill, Ron, Thomas, Elizabeth, Richard, Jody and Holt. (Anthony stayed back at the fort to get our cocktails ready).  More...