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Mobile Search and B2B Marketing

Wednesday Oct 31, 2007

Mobile search is such a hot topic these. But an interesting headline in caught my eye: Why Mobile Search is Irrelevant to B2B Marketing?

According to the SEL columnist, Jon Miller (VP of Marketing for Marketo, a provider of marketing automation software that helps B2B marketing professionals improve marketing accountability), mobile search (especially mobile paid search) is basically irrelevant for most business to business marketers.

The promise of mobile search is access to information whenever and wherever you need it, not just if you happen to be at your desk. For consumers, this is incredibly powerful. According to iCrossing’s report, How America Searches Mobile, a mobile searcher’s top priority is his or her immediate needs. The most popular searches are maps and directions, weather, and local information, followed by news, entertainment, sports, and finance.

But consider how B2B buyers use search, Miller wrote. As I’ve discussed before, B2B search is quite different from B2C search. The majority of B2B buyers use search early in their buying process, typically a few weeks to a few months before the actual purchase. By far, their intent is to research a industry, product, or service.

He also added that mobile searchers tend to use fewer keywords, making it harder to target the more complex keywords in B2B. These keywords just doesn’t match how people use mobile search.

But most importantly, Miller says, one must consider the goal of B2B search marketing. Because search happens early in the buying cycle, most B2B marketers want to use search marketing to capture leads in this early phase so they can nurture those leads until they are ready to speak with a sales rep. This means that the landing page is a critical component of a B2B search process and the lead capture form is one of the most important pieces of the page.

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