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RealBird:New Web-based Tool for Real Estate Agents

Sunday Jan 13, 2008

Listen up, real estate agents, a new web-based product is about to make your job a whole lot easier, and hassle-free.

RealBird (, a leading provider of Internet marketing tools for the real estate industry, announced last December 17 the release of a groundbreaking new version of its RealBird Listing Publisher an innovative, fully web-based product to help Realtors market their listings and generate leads.

It works by publishing on the major classifieds portals single property websites of homes for sale, while also showing potential home buyers all the surrounding listings for sale from the MLS (Multiple Listing Service).

Agents and brokers can increase their lead generation efficacy by embedding their branded MLS Search tools directly in every published single property website which are syndicated to more than 10 classifieds portals. Compared to “traditional” single property website marketing tools, this increases customer response by a very significant factor.

With the new RealBird Listing Publisher, agents can now create dedicated property websites for every listing within minutes for free. It also enables agents to create draft presentations for listing interviews. They can also create stand-alone websites with maps, photos, slideshows, videos, external virtual tours and any other information pertaining to the property and its community. These single property websites work because they are syndicated to major classifieds portals, the very places where homebuyers are searching.

But perhaps the most novel feature in the RealBird product is the ability to embed in Single Property Publisher websites. Exposing the MLS search where homebuyers are searching effectively makes the agent’s branded MLS search accessible through multiple websites (even after the published listings are sold), instead of just on their own website. (Check out and click on the Map Search tab.)

A real estate website is only as good as the traffic it gets, and in today’s competitive world it is hard to gain online visibility and differentiation without a huge marketing expense. Based on their offerings, the new RealBird Publisher may provide an effective solution.

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