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Twitter: How Social Conversationalist Marketing builds business On-The-Go

Wednesday Jan 20, 2010

Real business is driven by real people. And, with eMarketer projecting that Twitter will see over 18 million registered users this year that is a confirmation of lots of real people ready to do lots of real business.

“Conversationalists”, are consumers who update their Facebook status or Tweets at least once a week. Conversationalists represent one third of all U.S. Internet users. According to Forresters’ Online Report, more than half of all conversationalists are women who have household incomes that are “slightly above average“. These social conversationalists have disposable incomes and for marketers this translates into real sales opportunities.

Companies like Starbucks, H & R Block, Best Buy and even Ford have discovered the value of real-time Twittering. They know that Twitter isn’t some me-generation-listen-to-what-I-have-to-say application, but rather an opportunity for big brands to “listen”. Listening to what consumers are saying about them, about their competition, and about everything that matters to them is important not only in building new customer relationships but in strengthening existing ones. People who Twitter are real individuals whose opinion is important.

Many companies and big brands are putting the faces of their employees behind their Twitter accounts. Real people talking in real-time not only is empowering but brings tangible business results. When you think about it who doesn’t prefer Tweeting with a face rather than a company logo?

Dell Computers is doing a great job at driving sales through Twitter. They have various Twitter accounts such as @Direct2Dell for breaking news on products and @DellTechCenter for 24/7 updates on technology. Their @DellOutlet for Twitter-specific promotions is currently listed as having a whopping 1,578,918 followers! These are people who have chosen to receive all of Dell’s Tweets.

Another good indication of the power behind real-time information is Google’s decision to incorporate Twitter feeds into their natural search results. This provides searchers with freshness and relevant material that is happening ‘right now’.

Is the 140-character limit a hindrance for businesses wanting to share and connect with potential consumers? Hardly. According to PEW Internet and American Life Project, Twitter users are more likely to consume news and information on their mobile phones than anywhere else. With that said, Tweets fit in perfectly with the fast pace that mobile-users appreciate.  Tweeters want the news, they want the updates, they want to keep in touch and they want to do it with the same rapid-fire speed as their on-the-go mobile lifestyles.

Living in the moment has never been so prevalent as it is right. Social Conversational Marketing provides a  real-time opportunity to build business on-the-go.

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