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Apple Tablet and new Integrated Marketing Opportunities

Saturday Jan 23, 2010

The Apple Tablet will be unveiled at the end of this month after many months of rumours and speculation. Pinpointed as an “iPod on steroids” with web browsing capabilities, enhanced video, gaming, music and e-book applications this integrated media experience further builds on Apple’s reputation as an innovator in portable computing devices.

So where is the market for this new device? Apple says it is a family device to be shared and they want every household to have one. They are estimating 3 billion in sales a year and they may be lucky with the market timing of this product.

Consumers have become increasingly drawn to smart phones. 41 million were sold in the US last year, representing 30% of mobile phone users. According to Forrester Research iPhone users represent a large portion and these consumers are well educated, have higher than average incomes, and are more engaged online. Over 78% in the research study indicated they surf the net from their device.

Apart from providing an integrated media device Apple is also after the lucrative 55 million education market which would position them up against Amazon. To combat this Amazon has opened up the Kindle to developers looking to spur innovation in the education application development market.

The hype surrounding Apple’s latest and greatest has generated so much buzz that it’s almost immaculate in its pre-existent state. But where does that leave us with our very real and tangible businesses? I’ll tell you: it leaves us not only looking forward, but looking for the opportunity; the integrated marketing opportunity to be precise. And we just have to look back at very recent history to learn that there will be lots of integrated marketing opportunities to take advantage of on this new device.

Pepsi ran a very powerful branded experience on the iPhone and iPod touch with its “Drink Up, Rock Out” promotion. They took something that was already there (the market) and combined it with a marketing medium that was practically begging for the attention, added a little dash of creativity, and ta-dum –a powerful branded experience.

The success (and ingenuity) of this campaign can be explained by Cindy Spodek Dickey, vice president of marketing at Zumobi, “IPhone and iPod Touch users represent the most engaged users of mobile browsing and mobile applications.”

So ..looking for a new way to maximize your business presence in our mobile world? Stay tuned!

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